Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL)
Statistics for 2024 Fiscal Year
Did You Know?
Fairfax County Public Library (FCPL) statistics for 2024 (July 1, 2023, thru Jul 30, 2024) were recently published in the FCPL annual report. Did you know that FCPL is one of only 37 libraries in the world to achieve 3 million digital checkouts in a single year? You might also be amazed at some of these additional statistics:
Total FY2024 circulation came to 11,966,801 - a 6.6% increase over the year before:
3,671,894 e-books were circulated – a whopping 22.4% increase over 2023! Print book circulation came to 8,294,907 – a 0.9% increase from the previous year.
WiFi Connections
Total WiFi connections came to 317,459 and total public computer sessions were 223,407 – 11.7% over 2023.
Total website visits were 1,505.505; total database usage was 2,435,450 - for a total 3,216,857 visits (including curbside services) - a 13.6% increase over 2023.
New Accounts
62,712 residents opened new library accounts – 5.5% increase - for a total average of 646,723 cardholders, an 11.9% increase from the previous year! (Our county population is a bit over 1.1M residents).
The average monthly LEAP cards used were 199,948. LEAP stands for Library Equity Access Pass and is available to all Fairfax County Public School students.
Total program attendance at all events was 263,074 - an increase of 21% from 2023
Library Volunteers contributed 72,299 hours - an increase of 1.2%